OOH plus

Ströer is more

We are a leading media company in Germany. Our OOH business is complemented by the Digital & Dialog Media and DaaS & E-Commerce segments. 


We are Ströer!

Ströer is one of the leading German media companies with locations throughout Germany and is listed on the MDAX of the German Stock Exchange. Ströer is broadly positioned and operates a business model that is unique in the German media landscape: we combine the business segments of outdoor advertising (out-of-home), digital media and dialogue marketing as well as e-commerce and digital as a services (DaaS) offerings. We call this strategy OOH-plus.


Our OOH-plus-StrategY

With the combination of OOH, Digital & Dialog Media as well as DaaS & E-Commerce, we are continuously building relevance with our clients. In the 2024 fiscal year, we were thus able to generate a turnover of 2,05 billion euros.

Strong market shares and long-term contracts in the German market provide a good basis for being able to continue to profit over-proportionally in the advertising market in the coming years.



We market and operate around 300,000 media offerings in the out-of-home sector. We offer our customers a wide range of different analogue and digital media carriers: from the classic advertising pillar and billboards, to backlit media such as city light posters (CLP) and mega lights (ML), to digital public video offerings. And we do this all over Germany, as we are represented nationwide.

We are the driver of out-of-home digitalisation in Germany. At Ströer, Digital Outdoor Advertising (DOOH) is called public video. Our public video network comprises more than 7,000 digital media carriers at transport hubs such as railway stations, streets, shopping centres and underground and suburban railway platforms in major German cities. This makes us by far the largest provider of digital communication solutions in public spaces in Germany – no one can offer more digital reach in public spaces.

Digital OOH is by far the most energy-efficient and resource-conserving medium with 0.007 grams of CO2 (green power) per contact, while all the other classic advertising media produce a much higher carbon footprint between 0.4 grams to 11 grams per advertising contact. Structurally, this is largely based on the fact, that OOH as a mass medium – with one sender and many recipients - is always superior to a one-to-one media usage situation in terms of carbon footprint.

Our screens also serve as a new communication medium between the city and its citizens and provide support, e.g. during major events or in crisis situations, in order to be able to inform the population quickly and directly in public spaces.

Digital & Dialog Media

The business segment “Digital & Dialogue” includes, among other things, the marketing of more than 250 renowned digital media brands and thematic channels. In total, we have several thousand websites on offer for our customers.

In 2014, we began to expand our previously more advertising-oriented portfolio to include special interest portals with a focus on technology, games and entertainment content. Since 2015, we have also been active in the news business: t-online publishes high-quality news, analyses, reports and interviews every day via all relevant digital channels with the aim of providing the best overview of global events. More than 120 editors work on our comprehensive news offering every day.

According to the Working Group for Online Research (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online Forschung – AGOF e. V.), t-online has the largest digital reach of all German media. According to a survey by GfK, the portal reaches around 47 million people a month on the web and via our public video screens, i.e. more than half of the German population. In addition, with watson we have built Germany’s largest news portal for young adults.
Out of our Berlin office, we also offer suitable information services for digital natives with the special interest portals GIGA, kino.de, desired, familie.de, spieletipps.de and SpielAffe.de.

This business segment also includes the "Ströer X". It offers clients innovative solution models in the field of dialogue marketing for telephone, e-mail, chat and social media as well as in direct sales. From lead generation and customer acquisition to the optimal user experience in service and customer recovery.

Daas & E-Commerce

The business segment “Daas & E-Commerce” includes the brands asambeauty and Statista.

asambeauty has been part of the Ströer Group since 2016. asambeauty produces over 1,000 cosmetic products “Made in Germany”. The company is a first mover in streaming-based live shopping, offering customers a one-stop shopping beauty platform that covers all relevant beauty categories.

Statista, the leading global platform for Business Data as a Service, has been part of the Ströer Group since 2015. Statista is a leading provider of market and consumer data and bundles statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources on four platforms: English, French, German, and Spanish. As a research and analysis company, Statista ensures that customers find valid and relevant information on the platforms every day. Optimally, they can make the best business decisions based on this information. Statista also supports corporate clients as a full-service market research institute in the collection and processing of market, customer, and competitive information. In addition, Statista creates individual infographics, videos, presentations, and publications in the clients’ corporate design.

Culture & Business





We are sustainable

Ströer is aware of its responsibility as a family business and has always integrated sustainable thinking and action into its own business. With our sustainability strategy, we combine our business strategy with ecological approaches from the areas of environment and climate protection, social approaches, and corporate governance aspects.

In the Sustainability Report 2021, we disclosed for the first time in full and in detail the Corporate Carbon Footprint for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. In the period from 2019 to 2021, we were already able to reduce our corporate carbon footprint by around 50 per cent. By 2025, we want to have fully achieved our self-imposed goal of CO₂ neutrality.

The issue of climate and environmental protection has always played a central role in Ströer's product portfolio. In addition to avoiding and reducing CO₂ emissions as part of our Group-wide sustainability strategy and the fact that DOOH is already one of the media with the lowest CO₂ emissions by comparison, we have been offsetting product-related emissions in this context since 2021. We thus play out our customers' and agency partners' campaigns in a climate-neutral manner and at no additional cost to them.

We also actively utilise our media reach and promote awareness of sustainable and social action. For example, year after year we support social organisations with pro bono campaigns worth more than 20 million euros in media value.


Everything on the topic of sustainability

Board of Management | Management | Supervisory Board


Christopher Kaiser

Co-CEO . Ströer Media Solutions


Anne Ossenberg

Head of Legal Department . Ströer SE & Co. KGaA


Marc Schmitz

CEO . Ströer Content Group GmbH

Michael Noth

Co-CEO . Ströer Media Solutions


Birgit Oßendorf-Will

HR Director . Ströer SE & Co. KGaA


Alexander Stotz

CEO . Ströer Media Deutschland GmbH

Supervisory Board of Ströer SE & Co. KGaA

Christoph Vilanek
CEO freenet AG



Martin Diederichs



Prof. Dr. Stephan Eilers
Partner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater PartG mbB,


Elisabeth Lepique
Managing Partner of Luther
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH,
Lawyer, Tax Consultant


Barbara Liese-Bloch
Managing Director of MONOFIL-TECHNIK
Gesellschaft für Synthesemonofile
mbH, Hennef


Petra Sontheimer
Management Coach & Organisationsberaterin
at cidpartners GmbH



Dr. Dieter Steinkamp
Senior Advisor of the strategy consultancy and consolidation 
platform Advyce & Company



Ulrich Voigt
Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn



Andreas Güth
Office Manager of  Railway and Transport
Workers' Union in Kassel


Sabine Hüttinger
Head of Portfolio Service Center Region East
of Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH



Christian Kascha
Team and Project Leader for Research
and Consulting Projects
at Statista GmbH


Simone Kollmann-Göbels
Senior Vice President Purchasing &
Real Estate of Ströer SE & Co. KGaA



Tobias Meuser



Christian Sardiña Gellesch
Regional Manager Portfolio West



Tobias Schleich
Works Council Chairman
of Ströer Digital Media GmbH



Stephan Somberg
Union Secretary




Supervisory Board of Ströer Management SE

Christoph Vilanek
CEO freenet AG



Martin Diederichs



Prof. Dr. Stephan Eilers
Partner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater PartG mbB,


Elisabeth Lepique
Managing Partner of Luther
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH,
Lawyer, Tax Consultant


Dr. Dieter Steinkamp
Senior Advisor of the strategy consultancy and consolidation 
platform Advyce & Company 


Ulrich Voigt
Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Sparkasse Köln-Bonn