E5C970DF-8D3C-4D9C-94D2-D346C03B48D3 13. December 2013

Press release

Ströer expands advertising media portfolio in Leipzig

Ströer has equipped all four subway stations in the new Leipzig City Tunnel with digital and conventional out-of-home media. Now advertisers have access to eight OC Stations and eight Infoscreens for their advertising media. What’s more, the Leipzig City Tunnel also offers 24 City Light Posters as well as three premium billboards and one conventional billboard.

The Leipzig City Tunnel is a brand-new two-track railway system running under the city center from Leipzig Nord station to Leipzig Bayerischer Bahnhof. The tunnel is set to be opened officially on December 14, 2013, with the first services due to run the next day on December 15, 2013. Almost all lines in the new S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland subway system will run through the City Tunnel. It is anticipated that around 90.000 to 110.000 people will use the new stations every day.

Range of digital advertising media in Leipzig expands to 132 screens
Thanks to the expansion of its range of advertising media, Ströer Group has now increased its portfolio of digital out-of-home media in Leipzig to a total of 132 screens. Leipzig Hauptbahnhof has been part of the nationwide network of OC Stations since June 2011. A total of 84 OC Mall screens also boost market presence in the city’s shopping malls Allee-Center, Nova Eventis, and Promenaden Hauptbahnhof.

“Leipzig wünscht sich was (Leipzig – make a wish)” campaign on City Tunnel Infoscreens
In time for the first Infoscreens in Leipzig, Ströer has launched the “Leipzig – make a wish” campaign. Just in time for New Year’s resolutions, the people of Leipzig will be given the chance to send in a wish for the festive period and the new year, together with a picture of themselves, which will then be displayed on the digital billboards – on the one condition that the wish is not of a material nature. Selected ads will then be broadcast from December 20, 2013 to January 5, 2014.