E5C970DF-8D3C-4D9C-94D2-D346C03B48D3 20. June 2023

Press release

Yieldlove whitepaper shows immediate uplift when using alternative ID solutions

Yieldlove, the Hamburg-based specialist for header bidding and part of the Ströer Group, demonstrates the considerable and immediate benefits that the use of alternative ID solutions can already bring today with its new whitepaper "Who needs cookies anyway". The result of an analysis of billions of data points over a period of 17 months proves: An immediate uplift of up to 20% in advertising revenue from programmatic online advertising is possible while using just two alternative ID providers.

No reason to be afraid of the cookie apocalypse – A new whitepaper from Yieldlove offers a convincing solution to the concerns of many publishers and website operators. These results come at just the right time because sweeping changes are afoot for the online publishers. Hardly a week goes by without new bad news for publishers who still remain unprepared while the industry is hurtling towards the cookie-less future. While Safari, Firefox and Edge already operate completely without them, Google is now also getting serious and has announced the end of third-party cookies for Chrome for the second half of 2024 – the first percent of all Chrome users will be navigating the web without third-party cookies as early as Q1 of next year. 

Providers of alternative ID solutions such as ID5 and SharedID promise a remedy and the possibility of not having to accept any losses in monetization even without third-party cookies. The new whitepaper from Yieldlove now shows that this promise is not only kept. More than that, already today the two alternative ID providers can bring a significant uplift to online advertising revenues when used as part of a multi-ID strategy. By integrating other existing and future alternative ID solutions, there is also the potential for further revenue increases.

"To our knowledge, this study is unique in its size and richness of detail," says Abdelkader Barjiji, Managing Director at Yieldlove and Senior Vice President Product Management Programmatic & Data at Ströer Media Solutions. "This is not a test under lab conditions, but real-life results from our complete inventory. After our analysis of billions upon billions of ad impressions, we can say with a clear conscience: if you're a publisher and you're not using alternative ID solutions as part of a multi-ID-compatible ad stack today, you're leaving a significant amount of money on the table."

Karsten Krienke, Managing Director at Yieldlove, is equally convinced of the relevance of alternative ID solutions for publishers: "Those who are already working with us are benefiting from our many years of experience in the field of ID solutions and our very good relationships with all the essential players in the market. Of course, we hope that our whitepaper will convince other publishers of these benefits as well. We look forward to assisting them in the future without cookies."

ID5's Caitlin Borgman, Chief Commercial Officer, agrees: "This study shows that alternative ID solutions are already delivering tangible results that are helping publishers in these times of declining advertising revenues. Across the board, alternative IDs are driving higher eCPMs when present, and this is a positive insight into the direction we are heading. The results also show how important strong partnerships like ours with Yieldlove are in moving our industry forward.”

The whitepaper, "Who needs cookies anyway – How ID Solutions can deliver up to 20% of additional revenue today" can be downloaded for free from Yieldlove's website at the following link: bit.ly/yieldlovewhitepaper



About Yieldlove

Yieldlove leads publishers and website operators into the future of programmatic online advertising. 
As a market leader in the European ad tech industry, we are able to offer our partners tailored solutions to maximize their revenues and ensure their sustainable economic success. Whether large publishing houses, independent websites or trending apps: Over 700 publishers worldwide rely on our proprietary technologies and our long-standing expertise.
Since 2017, we are been part of the Ströer Group, Europe's largest premium ad marketer and publisher.





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