The Mobile Web Interstitial Transition Ad only opens when an article is clicked on.
The FC for a user is always once per hour per subdomain and cannot be changed.
The content is not covered as it is an intermediate page.
The format is compliant with the Better Ads Standard.
Interstitial (static): 320x480 pixels, alternatively the sizes 300x250 pixels, as well as 336x280 pixels are possible.
Iframe: 100 KB initial + 200 KB download
.gif / .jpg / .png: 80 KB (static image, without interactions and without HTML5 programming)
iFrame: 100 KB initial (incl. tracking) + 200 KB subload (incl. tracking)
Labelling as an "advertisement" is done via the advertising material template.
Recommendation for creative design:
High-contrast font colour Font size at least 9 pt. (min. 18pt for high-resolution advertising material) sans serif font, e.g. Arial
physical: image file format .gif, .jpeg,
redirect: only Iframe-Redirect
Last update: 23/02/2024