With push notifications, we place offers exclusively on the mobile and desktop devices of users in our native network.
In addition to sending messages nationally or notifying users in the vicinity of a specific point of interest, a wide range of targeting options (geo, interests, retargeting) can be used to place the right messages with the right target group.
Push Notification
1. text -> 50 characters
2. icon/logo -> max. 250 x 250 px (min. 100 x 100). PNG or JPG file
3. big picture -> 512 x 256 px. PNG or JPG file.
Notification Center
1. text -> 50 characters (headline) + 70 characters description field
2. icon/logo -> max. 250 x 250 px (min. 100 x 100). PNG or JPG file
Push Notification
1. text -> 70 characters
Notification Center
1. text -> 50 characters (headline) + 70 characters description field
2. icon/logo -> max. 250 x 250 px (min. 100 x 100). PNG or JPG file
All texts without formatting in a TXT or CSV file
Graphics (photos, logos and existing advertising material as an open PSD file, JPG or PNG)
Sketches of the landing page required
Corporate design or orientation design of a website by the customer
URL if landing page already exists
Use of open source web fonts (e.g. Google Fonts) or system fonts
External links (https only) possible.
Push notification:
Icon/Logo -> max. 250 x 250 px (min. 100 x 100).
Big Picture -> "safe area": 432x236 px (screen < 512 px)
512 x 256 px (playout only possible with screen > 512 px)
Notification Center:
max. 250 x 250 px (min. 100 x 100)
Notification Center:
Icon/logo -> max. 250 x 250 px (min. 100 x 100).
Lead time: 5 working days
Data delivery to: hello-stroeer(at)offerista.com
Provision of a campaign plan required:
No impression tracking possible
Last update: 23/02/2024