SCG Brand Booster - Desktop

The Brand Booster is a large-scale and fully dynamic premium advertising format.

When the page is called up, the content slides down so that the website content is only slightly visible and the Brand Booster can take up almost the entire space.
In the background there is a dynamic fullscreen element. This element can be freely designed using the templates (see Creation section). If desired, a video spot can be used. When implementing a video, there are two variants:

  1. With autoplay: the video spot can be used via autoplay without sound in the middle of the ad. With a click, the video spot starts in a large layer with sound.
  2. Without autoplay: The video spot is played in a large layer with sound after clicking on a "Play video" button.

The content can be moved up again by clicking the close button.
When scrolling down, the brand booster is faded out to the background color and faded in again further down in the content. This ensures renewed attention.


Special feature for exclusive placements:

For exclusive placements (e.g. daytime festival placements), the "full" version is displayed on the first call-up (FC1/Session). Subsequent calls show a narrower version, called "Slim" version. By clicking on an expand button it is possible to switch from the "Slim" version to the "Full" version and vice versa.


Format:     MP4
Conversion:     H.264
Frame rate:     25 fps
Colour intensity:     32 bit
Resolution:     1920x1080
Aspect ratio:     16:9
Max. File size:     2-2,5 MB  
Max. Spot length:     30 seconds
Audio / Sound:     Please follow the loudness standard EBU R 128. The sound must be integrated in the video.
Playback:    The base material should start immediately in the first frame, black frames at the beginning or end of the spot are not allowed.
     Please make sure that the video does not contain black bars next to or above/below the video.

The creation is done exclusively by the experts of the SCG in-house creative team.
Please use only the following templates for delivery: Brand Booster Photoshop Vorlagen

Note: The "Slim" templates are only required when booking an exclusive placement (e.g. daytime festival placement). 

The SCG in-house creative team will also be happy to implement individual wishes for you.
You can find inspiration here: Kreationsbeispiele 

  • Please send the finished templates as Photoshop file and if necessary a video for use in the advertising material to: SCGS_Ad_Yieldmanagement(at)
  • All ClickCommands and tracking pixels must fully support HTTPs. Make sure that redirects to external servers are protocol-independent (example: //
  • Delivery of ad media at least 15 working days before campaign start please.


  • All tracking and redirects must be defined as SSL-capable.   
  • All advertising tags/trackings to be used by us must contain the GDPR macros in accordance with TCF v2.0 and all vendors used must be registered in TCF v2.0 (Transparency and Consent Framework) of the IAB.

Last update: 23/02/2024