Video Takeover

The Video Takeover consists of two parts: a fullscreen video (in the background of the page) and a billboard (the delivery is done on the SuperBanner position).




  • The format consists of two parts: a billboard in 910x250 pixels and a fullscreen video (in the background of the page):

  • Billboard (graphic):

    • The billboard is transparent with a call-to-action button.

    • Size: 910x250 pixels

    • File format and weight: .png / .jpg, 40-80 KB

    • The billboard must be physically delivered as a .jpg or .png file

  • Video (video file): The video must be physically delivered as an mp4 file:

    • Format: MP4

    • Conversion: H.264

    • Frame rate: 25 fps

    • Colour intensity: 32 bit

    • Resolution: 1280x720

    • Aspect ratio: 16:9

    • Max. File size: 5 MB

    • Max. Spot legnth: 30 seconds

    • Audio / Sound: Please note the loudness standard EBU R 128. The sound must be integrated in the video.

    • Playback: The base material should start immediately in the first frame, black frames at the beginning or end of the spot are not allowed. Please make sure that the video does not contain black bars next to or or/underneath the video.

The advertising material always starts with "Sound off". The sound may only be activated by a clear user action (click).

The video (fullscreen behind the content) is delivered only once per page view (no loop). A freeze frame remains at the end of the video. When the page is reloaded, the fullscreen video is delivered again and ends with a still image. The freeze frame is always the first frame of the video.

The video can be set to fullscreen mode via user interaction. There is a close button in the upper right corner.

  • All ClickCommands and tracking pixels must fully support HTTPs. Make sure that redirects to external servers are protocol-independent (example: //

  • Due to file sizes, please provide a download link if possible.

Last update: 23/02/2024