Zusammenland is an initiative launched by leading German media companies - DIE ZEIT, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, WirtschaftsWoche and Ströer. More than 700 companies, foundations, associations, universities and NGOs have already joined and shown their support for diversity and democracy.
The aim of the initiative is to send out a signal in favour of freedom, diversity and a welcoming culture in Germany. After all, cosmopolitanism, respect and community are values that make Germany not only a country worth living in, but also an economically strong one.
Strong together in a diverse country
The current times require a clear stance! It is currently more important than ever to stand up for an open and solidary coexistence. Zusammenland wants to form a counterweight and show that diversity is our strength. Together, we stand for an open country that courageously faces up to the challenges. For a new togetherness.