Ströer©Tobias Schott | Marvellous Media

Public Video Giant (Indoor) are large-format screens at exposed and highly frequented indoortouchpoints. They captivate with large screens from 10 sqm and are placed in a prominent and conspicuous position. Depending on the location, different target groups can be reached, e.g. shoppers in the mall.

These are the specifications for Audience based (Programmatic) Public Video Giant (Indoor)


Ad duration

  • possible ad duration: 5-30 seconds

  • ATTENTION: exact booked ad duration, i.e. at 10 seconds = 10 s 00 ms (there must be no milliseconds more or less)

Operating hours

  • Monday to Sunday

  • 6:00 to 22:00/23:00/24:00 o'clock (depending on city) 

    Managed Service



    • MP4 or MOV, 25, 29,97 und 30 fps , without audio track
    • Codec: uncompressed or h.264 (bit rate min. 30 Mbit/s)
    • no half images (progressive)


      • MP4, 25, 29,97 und 30 fps, without audio track
      • Codec: h.264 (bit rate max. 12 Mbit/s)
      • no half images (progressive)

        Still image

        • .jpeg / .png
        • PowerPoint, InDesign and Flash files can not be accepted.

        Still image

        • .jpeg / .png
        • PowerPoint, InDesign and Flash files can not be accepted.


        • Format changes according to location (see below), sRGB

        Spot length

        • Please refer to the order confirmation for the spot length

        • No title slates or blank frames

        Lead time and delivery address:

        • Public Video advertising media are always handled as follows when booked (Managed/IO or Programmatic Public Video) by Ströer Media Solutions
        • All Public Video advertising media must be sent to Ströer Media Solutions for technical and content review at least three working days before the start of the campaign. Deliver all ads to the following email addresses:
          • Spezialmittler (Weischer, PosterSelect, Contrast Media, outmaxx Media etc.): ops-ppv-spezialmittler(at)
          • Omnicom: ops-ppv-omnicom(at)
          • Unabhängige Agenturen (Zanatta, Overmedia, NetzwerkReklame etc.) + Crossmedia + Add2 + Havas + DSPs: ops-ppv-agenturen(at)
          • Dentsu + ItWorks/ WestWorks: ops-ppv-dentsu-itworks(at)
          • MGMP + Kinesso + Planus + UM: ops-ppv-mgmp(at)
          • Publicis: ops-ppv-publicis(at)
          • GroupM, Emetriq: ops-ppv-groupm(at)
          • Direct Clients: ops-ppv-client(at)
          • Pilot: ops-ppv-pilot(at)
          • UMLs: ops-ppv-umls(at)
        • Always include the following information in your email (also in the event of inquiries and/or subsequent changes to advertising material):
          • Name of the advertiser
          • Name of the marketing campaign according to the order
          • Period of the campaign
          • Advertising Medium
          • Motif instruction/Placement periods of the individual advertising media, if some advertising media are not to be delivered for the entire duration of the campaign.

        Delivery options:

        • Finished commercial: Please note that the finished commercial must meet the above requirements. If there are several themes,theme instructions will be required.
        • No spot available: If you want to create your advertising material via Ströer Media Creations, please ask your Störer contact person for the costs. Please consider at least 10 working days lead time


        StadtFormat in Pixel
        Berlin (Digital Motion Tower, design note here)1152 x 1024
        Düsseldorf (except Düsseldorf Airport)1080 x 1920
        Düsseldorf Airport (design note for Gate A, arrival here)1920 x 1080
        Essen672 x 432
        1920 x 1080
        Frankfurt am Main (Digital Motion Tower Plus, design note here)1152 x 1024
        1080 x 1920
        Freiburg1920 x 1080
        Hamburg1620 x 1080
        Cologne1080 x 1920
        Munich (Digital Motion Tower, design note here)1152 x 1024
        Munich (Stachus Hauptabgang / main exit )3200 x 640
        Munich (Stachus Seitenabgang / side exit)1920 x 1080
        Münster1080 x 1920
        Stuttgart1920 x 1080


        Design note Düsseldorf Airport Gate A, Arrival | Knickboard

        The so-called Knickboard at Gate A in the arrivals area is a special feature that you should take into account when designing your motifs for this area: The screen is divided in a 3:1 ratio and runs over an outer corner. This means that the area is slightly interrupted visually, but only one file is used in full HD.

        Motif delivery: 1920 x 1080 px

        Motif playout: 1920 x 1080 px

        Design note Digital Motion Tower

        Please note the peculiarities when creating advertising material for the Digital Motion Tower and the Digital Motion Tower Plus.

        Design note Digital Motion Tower

        Design note Digital Motion Tower Plus


        General instructions for public video that must be followed

        • Contents should be accessible in the booked time.

        • Contents must comply with the directives for the protection of minors.

        • Commercials must be created in the exact resolution of the booked advertising medium.

        • Commercial lengths must correspond to the exact frame of the booked time.

        Programmatic Creative Approval and Caching

        Dateiname: ppv-creative-approval-stroeer.pdf
        Dateigröße: 83 KB

        Last update: 13/01/2025